Bogdan Bousca

Bogdan Bousca


Str. Badea Cartn nr.12, BC10, ap.75


0737 144 840



Bogdan Bousca





Nascut in 1973 in Constanta, Bogdan Bousca a absolvit Academia navala "Mircea cel Batran" in 1992.

A debutat in fotografie in anul 2008, aceasta devenind un mod de exprimare, mai mult decat un hobby.

Are peste 50 expozitii in tara si in strainatate.

Fotografii si articole publicate in reviste de specialitate din Romania, Marea Britanie, Franta si USA.

Non Comercial

"Incerc in mare masura ca impactul emotional sa primeze in fiecare imagine realizata - fie Portret, Street sau Nud Artistic.Detasarea pe cat posibil de tot ceea ce inseamna comercial si „tehnic” este pentru mine un scop in sine. Pe cat de dificil este sa reusesc acest lucru intr-o lume in care Kitsch-ul este la putere si se vinde mai bine ca oricand, cu atat sunt mai multumit de ceea ce fac."- Bogdan Bousca


-Expozitie colectiva - SALON FOTO of the Year - The ARK-Bursa Marfurilor - Bucuresti 2010

-Collective Exhibition - "SALON FOTO of the Year" - Muzeul Taranului Roman , Carturesti - Bucuresti 2011

-Collective Exhibition - "SALON FOTO of the Year" - Muzeul Taranului Roman , Carturesti - Bucuresti 2012

-Personal Exhibition - "La mer , La mere , L'amer" -Theatre Gyptis - Marseille - France -2011

-First prize - 3 times - Photo-magazine Romania - monthly Contest

-Published in PHOTO-France Magazine , Photographymonthly-UK Magazine

-Collective Exhibition - "Street Photography" - Bucuresti 2012

-Article published in Photomagazine Romania - Sept.2012

-Collective Exhibition - "City Lights" - Bucuresti - Dec. 2012

-Collective Exhibition - "City Lights" - Bucuresti - Ian.2013

-Collective Exhibition - "Bucurestiul Meu Drag" - Bucuresti - Feb.2013

-Collective Exhibition - "Dragobetele Saruta Fetele" - Bucuresti - Feb.2013

-Article published in Photomagazine Romania - Mar.2013

-Collective Exhibition - "We are the City" - Bucuresti - Apr.2013

-Collective Exhibition -"Collectif Echiquier"-Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis on the French Riviera - Sept.2013

-Collective Exhibition -"Collectif Echiquier" - Marseille-Marignane-France - Oct.-Nov.2013

-Collective Exhibition - "Ipostaze Urbane - Old City" - Bucuresti - Jan.2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Salonul Fotografului Roman" - Bucuresti - Jan.2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Bucurestiul Noaptea" - Bucuresti - Jan.2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Street Photography" - Bucuresti - Feb.2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Dragobetele Saruta Fetele" - Bucuresti - Feb.2014

-Collective Exhibition - "BRIEF" - Danaart Gallery - Bucuresti - Feb.2014

-Collective Exhibition-"L'instant decisif"-Galerie Beaurepaire - Paris - France - May 2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Collectif Echiquier" - Ville de Gigean - France - May 2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Collectif Echiquier" - Valbonne - France - July 2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Metropola"- Danaart Gallery - Bucuresti - July 2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Collectif Echiquier" - Fronton - France - Oct 2014

-Collective Exhibition - "Hall of Frames" - Cluj - Romania - May 2015

-Collective Exhibition - "Weekends de la Chapelle" - Josselin - France - May 2015

-Collective Exhibition - "Collectif Echiquier" - Constanta - Romania - July 2015

-Collective Exhibition - "Les Metiers de la Mer" - Alliance Francaise Constanta - Romania - August 2015

-Collective Exhibition - "Climate Change-Realities and Resistance" - COP21 - Paris -France - December 2015

-Collective Exhibition - "Climate Change-Realities and Resistance" - Buffalo/New-York - USA - March-April 2016

-Photo cover of the magazine "On the Town" - Buffalo/New-York - USA - March 2016

-Collective Exhibition - "La Grande Madre" - Agropoli-Castello Angioino Aragonese - Italy - August-October 2016

-Collective Exhibition - "La biennale de Villefranche" - Villefranche - France - July 2017

-Collective Exhibition - "Bodies in movement" by "Loosenart Gallery" - Rome - Italy - February 2019

-Collective Exibition - "Festival Photos" - St.Genest-Lerpt - France - May 2019

-Collective Exhibition - "WUNDERKAMMER" - ARTExpertise Gallery - Florence - Italy - May 2019

-Collective Exhibition - "Salonul Fotografului Roman" - I.L.Caragiale Theater - Bucharest - Romania - June 2019

-Collective Exhibition - "Fine Art Festival" - Kranj - Slovenia - October 2019